Stone type - Arfvedsonite
Arfvedsonite is a rare and fascinating mineral known for its greenish-black to bluish-gray, fibrous to radiant crystals. Here are some additional details about Arfvedsonite:
Physical properties:
- Color: Arfvedsonite appears primarily black, but often shows flashes of blue and silver.
- Luster: It has a glassy luster.
- Hardness: It has a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, meaning it can scratch glass but is softer than many common minerals like quartz.
Chemical properties:
- Chemical Formula: The chemical formula of arfvedsonite is [Na][Na2][(Fe2+)4Fe3+][(OH)2|Si8O22], which indicates that its composition is mainly composed of sodium (Na), iron (Fe), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and silicon (Si).
Arfvedsonite is a relatively rare mineral found mainly in Russia, Canada and the United States. It was named after the Swedish chemist Johan August Arfwedson, who discovered the element lithium.
Arfvedsonite is not only a beautiful sight, but also a powerful tool for energy work. It is said to have the ability to manifest desires, relieve stress and anxiety, and clear the mind. It is connected to the Third Eye and Root Chakras and enhances intuition and psychic abilities with its blue flashes. This crystal facilitates creative visualization and redirects actions productively. It serves as a valuable tool for spiritual growth and development.