Stone type - Skutterudite
General properties: Skutterudite is a hard, relatively heavy, gray-lustrous mineral. It is a cobalt arsenide and belongs to the mineral class of sulfides and sulfosalts. The chemical formula of skutterudite is CoAs3.
- Association: Skutterudite is often associated with nickel skutterudite (Ni,Co,Fe)As3. This mineral is much more lustrous than pure skutterudite.
- Dangers: When struck and especially when heated, skutterudite can release toxic arsenic compounds. It produces a garlic smell when struck.
- Appearance: Fresh skutterudite varies in color between pewter white and silver gray. Under the influence of air, it turns gray to colorfully iridescent after some time.
- History: Skutterudite has been known since the Middle Ages and was used to produce “smalt”. The name skutterudite was introduced in 1845 by Wilhelm Ritter von Haidinger and refers to the type locality, the cobalt mines of Skutterud in Norway.
Occurrence in Morocco: Skutterudite from Morocco is particularly known for its high quality and beauty. An example is Skutterudite from Bou Azzer, Tazenakht, Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Morocco.
Please note that care must be taken when handling skutterudite as it contains arsenic, which can be harmful to health if handled improperly.