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    Himalayan quartz (rock crystal) from the Skardu Valley in Pakistan (896g) - large specimen

    €144,00 EUR
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    Fundland: Pakistan

    Fundstelle: Pakistan, Skardu Valley

    Genaues Gewicht: specific article

    item description

    Himalayan quartz (rock crystal) is a fascinating gemstone that has a special meaning in different cultures. Here are some important properties of rock crystal:

    • Chemical composition : Rock crystal belongs to the quartz group and consists mainly of silicon dioxide (SiO ) .
    • Crystal system : Rock crystal crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system and forms prismatic crystals with six sides, the ends of which taper pyramidally. Double-enders are common.
    • Color and transparency : Rock crystal is colorless and transparent with a white shimmer.
    • Inclusions : Inclusions can often be observed in rock crystals , such as: E.g. goethite, fluorite, actinolite, rutile and ajoite.

    This rock crystal weighs g.

    Properties of rock crystal:

    Often referred to as the master healer of gemstones, clear quartz crystal has a strong connection to spirit, energy and soul. Here are some of the healing properties attributed to rock crystal:

    • It can help with stomach and intestinal problems by supporting the cleansing processes of your organs.
    • It promotes energy flow and clears energy blockages, which can help you feel energetic and balanced.
    • It has a relaxing and mood-enhancing effect, which can help you deal with stress better and improve your overall mood.
    • It has long been used for spiritual purposes and to promote mental clarity . It is said to help calm the mind and improve concentration.
    • Rock crystal promotes the effect of the mucous membranes in the body. It ensures that wounds heal well and scars are closed properly.
    • The popular healing stone is said to have a clarifying and harmonizing effect. The rock crystal is also said to offer its owner protection.
    • It is also said to be able to release energy blockages so that your general well-being can improve.

    Please note that the use of healing stones is not a substitute for medical treatment and you should always consult a doctor if you have any health problems.

    Rock crystals have a special meaning in different cultures:

    • Ancient Greek and Roman mythology : The rock crystal was associated with the gods and goddesses of the sky. It was often referred to as the ice diamond or tear of the gods and was considered a symbol of purity and immortality.
    • Ancient Egyptians : They attributed magical powers to rock crystal .
    • Indigenous Traditions : In some North American tribal communities, rock crystal was used as a protective stone and for communication with spirits and ancestors. In the South American Andean tradition, rock crystal played an important role in healing rituals and was viewed as a stone of wisdom and harmony.
    • Buddhism and Hinduism : In Buddhism, rock crystal symbolizes enlightenment and is often used as a meditation tool. In Hinduism, rock crystal is called “sphatik” and is considered a stone of balance and healing.
    • Modern esotericism : The rock crystal is viewed as a stone of clarity, purification and spiritual transformation. Many believe that rock crystal can increase positive energy and keep negative energies away.

    It is important to note that the meaning of gemstones like rock crystal can vary from culture to culture

    Rock crystal is a versatile gemstone that is both aesthetically and energetically valuable.

    Please feel free to take a look at my other offers. In addition to other aquamarines, you will also find other minerals such as amethysts, rock crystal, epidote, tourmalines and many others that will delight you.

    With accessories from our shop you can skillfully stage this great specimen.

    Please note that the effects of gemstones and minerals have not been scientifically proven and therefore should not be viewed as a substitute for medical treatments or therapies. These are traditions and beliefs that everyone can interpret and apply for themselves.

    #rock crystal #feldspar #pakistan #gemstone #minerals #unique #crystalparadise

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