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    Epidote and Rock Crystal from Turkey (78g) - Grade

    €32,00 EUR
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    Fundland: Türkiye

    Fundstelle: mine unknown

    Genaues Gewicht: specific article

    item description

    Epidote is a mineral from the mineral class silicates and germanates . It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with the general chemical composition Ca (Fe ³⁺ ,Al)Al [O|OH|SiO |Si O ] 1. The brackets in the chemical formula mean that iron and aluminum can represent each other to a limited extent ( substitution), but are always in the same ratio to the other components.

    Epidote usually forms prismatic crystals from up to 35 cm long , which can be stretched and striped parallel to the [010] axis . Depending on the purity, these crystals are transparent to opaque. The mineral also occurs in the form of fibrous, granular to massive and radial aggregates. The color of epidote is variable, but often dark green , sometimes yellow-brown, while the line color is white . With a Mohshärte  between 6 and 7 Epidote is one of the medium-hard to hard minerals. It can scratch simple window glass, but to score it you need at least a steel file .

    Epidote is a Product of hydrothermal alteration various minerals (such as feldspars , mica, pyroxenes, amphiboles, garnets and others) that are in igneous rocks happen. It also occurs in marbled and schistous rocks on the metamorphic origin are .

    The name Epidote comes from the Greek word meaning to increase . It is a versatile mineral that plays an important role in geology and is often found in metamorphic rocks.

    The epidote weighs 78g.

    Meaning of epidote in different cultures:

    Has in different cultures Epidote different symbolic meanings:

    1. Greek mythology :
      • In Greek mythology, Epidotus was mentioned Healing and growth connected. It was considered a stone that promoted the healing of diseases and supported the growth of plants .
    2. Tibetan culture :
      • In Tibetan Buddhism, epidote is called Protective stone viewed. It is believed to protect against negative energies and promote spiritual knowledge .
    3. Esotericism and healing stones :
      • In esotericism, epidote is called Stone of Transformation considered. It is intended to help you let go of old patterns and promote personal growth .
      • It is also believed that epidote Self-confidence and self-love strengthens .
    4. Jewelry and decoration :
      • Epidote is often used too pieces of jewelry processed, such as pendants , rings or earrings. It is a popular gemstone for its green color and unique inclusions .
      • In the Interior design Epidote is sometimes called Decorative element used in the form of sculptures or polished stones.


    If you are looking for a unique and powerful stone to accompany and support you energetically , unpolished blue aragonite could be just the thing for you . Let yourself be enchanted by its natural beauty and discover its healing properties .

    Please feel free to take a look at my other offers. In addition to other aquamarines, you will also find other minerals such as amethysts, rock crystal, epidote, tourmalines and many others that will delight you.

    With accessories from our shop you can skillfully stage this great specimen.

    Please note that the effects of gemstones and minerals have not been scientifically proven and therefore should not be viewed as a substitute for medical treatments or therapies . These are traditions and beliefs that everyone can interpret and apply for themselves.

    #epidote #pakistan #gemstone #minerals #unique #crystalparadise #green

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