Chalcedony with Hevlandite and Apophyllite (234g)
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The Apophyllite , a jewel of natural beauty , appears in matt cube - like crystals and a clear purity. This gemstone, which is made from the mineral quartz arises, has an untamed form that carries the history of nature .
The apophyllite weighs 234g.
The name “ apophyllite ” comes from Greek and means “ to foliage , ” which refers to the way the stone flakes in thin layers when exposed to heat .
The Apophyllite is a mineral from the apophyllite group , which belongs to the layered silicates . Structurally, apophyllites belong to the layered silicates (phyllosilicates). They crystallize in the tetragonal crystal system or in the orthorhombic crystal system with the chemical composition (K,Na)Ca ₄ Si ₈ O ₂₀ (F,OH) · 8H ₂ O . The minerals of the apophyllite group are found, often accompanied by zeolites, as secondary formations in cavities in basalts, phonolites or other basic volcanites.
Properties of Apophyllite:
- Yang Energy and Purposefulness : Unpolished Apophylites are often associated with the strong, dominant Yang energy connected. They represent the clear, the strong and the goal-oriented.
- Natural purity : Completely clear apophylites do not contain any other minerals and therefore have completely pure crystal structures 1 . Even in their unpolished form they appear beautiful and powerful.
Effect of unpolished apophyllite:
- Clarity and focus : Apophylite supports clarity in thinking and acting. It helps to set goals and focus on what is important.
- Energetic Cleansing : As an energetic cleanser, Apophylite can absorb negative energies from the environment and clear the aura .
If you are looking for a unique and powerful gemstone that accompanies and supports you energetically , Apophylite could be just the thing for you . Let yourself be enchanted by its natural beauty and discover its healing properties .
In modern culture: Apophylite is often used as a gemstone and can be worn as jewelry or on a necklace . It is also used as an “ asthma stone ” in crystal healing, particularly for respiratory diseases and allergies . In addition , it is referred to as an “ ascension stone ” , which is said to promote calm , serenity and confidence in its wearer . It is intended to help overcome insecurities and worries and to express suppressed feelings again .
Please feel free to take a look at my other offers. In addition to other aquamarines, you will also find other minerals such as amethyst, rock crystal, epidote, tourmaline and many others that will delight you.
With accessories from our shop you can skillfully stage this great specimen.
Please note that the effects of gemstones and minerals have not been scientifically proven and therefore should not be viewed as a substitute for medical treatments or therapies . These are traditions and beliefs that everyone can interpret and apply for themselves.
#apophyllite #india #gemstone #minerals #unique #crystalparadise

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