Smoky quartz
Smoky quartz is a variety of the mineral quartz that has been colored gray-brown (smoky) to black (morion) by natural or artificial gamma rays . The color is caused by the aluminum and lithium contained in the quartz, which turn it brown under the influence of natural radioactive radiation . Brown smoky quartz is usually transparent to translucent.
Smoky quartz is formed predominantly in granitic pegmatites, but can also form in alpine-type quartz veins and in cavities ( geodes) of volcanic rocks .
Smoky quartz is exclusively processed into gemstones and art objects . Since ancient times it has been considered a protective stone against dangers and is said to help in coping with grief . Smoky quartz opens the eyes to a new path in life. It restores vitality and helps in coping with grief, depression or even addiction . In addition , smoky quartz is able to release inner tension , alleviate the effects of stress and protect against further stress .