Steinart - Aragonit


Aragonite, a carbonate mineral . Aragonite crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system with the chemical formula CaCO3, so chemically it is a calcium carbonate.

Aragonite can occur in a variety of forms, including prismatic crystals and mineral aggregates that may be spherical, banded , columnar , dendritic (tree - like), parallel-fibered, radially rayed, or acicular .

In its pure form, aragonite is colorless and transparent. Due to multiple light refractions caused by lattice defects or polycrystalline formation, it can also appear white and , due to foreign impurities, take on a grey, yellow, red, green , violet or blue colour .

Meaning of unpolished aragonite:

  • Stone of Hope : Aragonite is often referred to as the " stone of hope . " It promotes emotional balance and can heal deep-seated wounds that affect your entire life. It can help you gain clarity and understanding to move forward. It encourages open communication about feelings and needs .
  • Career & Wealth : Aragonite helps transform the old into the new. In the creative industry, it supports the use of resources and the creation of beauty from ordinary things . It strengthens self -confidence, intuition and promotes financial decisions.
  • Spiritual effect : Aragonite brings calm and serenity in challenging situations. It can connect you with your spiritual guides and offer direct support .
  • Love & Relationships : Aragonite opens the heart to compassion and kindness .
  • Grounding : Aragonite is often referred to as the stone of grounding and helps in finding inner balance .
  • Concentration and clarity : Aragonite promotes concentration and clarity of mind, making it an ideal companion for meditation and yoga .
  • Mood support : Aragonite supports our mood . It affects the nervous system, lowers stress levels, lets us relax for a while and at the same time ensures our sleep .

Meaning of aragonite in different cultures:

Aragonite is a mineral that has special significance in many cultures around the world.

  • Ancient cultures: Aragonite has been used as a gemstone and healing stone since ancient times. It was often used in jewelry and amulets that were worn as talismans to provide protection and healing.
  • Modern esotericism: In modern esotericism, aragonite is often used as a healing stone. It is believed that it can help promote emotional balance and relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Environmental protection: Aragonite also plays an important role in environmental protection. It provides important materials for marine life and keeps the pH of water close to its natural value to prevent the dissolution of biogenic calcium carbonate. In addition, aragonite has been successfully tested for the removal of contaminants such as zinc, cobalt and lead from contaminated wastewater.

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